
FUTFS Newsletter 9

2021-11-30 13:43

For You Telecare Family Service (FUTFS) assists individuals and families from all walks of life to overcome cultural, emotional, and psychological barriers through a wide range of counselling and educational services and programs. In collaboration with other social service organizations, FUTFS raises awareness of social issues and supports clients in the community through the progression of a healthy lifestyle and gradual integration into Canadian society.


2021 Christmas Dinner Party

On December 9th at 5:30 pm, we will have a Christmas party and a New Year's party. We plan to prepare a warm Christmas party where we can gather together in 2021, which was both difficult and exhausting, to share our lives and feel the preciousness of meeting. Laughter blooms through delicious food and communication with precious people. Make happy memories!!

For location inquiries, contact to 416-447-3535 or for [email protected]


The 37th Counselling Education &  Volunteering Training Program

Everyone can participate in this program, the 37th Counselling Education and Volunteering Training Program. We acquire the appropriate counseling concept and the ideas of volunteerism as being aware in our daily life through various lecturers and topics, discussing and sharing with small groups, and applying our knowledge not only to FUTFS, but also to the practices of daily life, to Canadian society, and to those who really need help. This provides opportunities to gain skills and experiences on how to communicate well, have good relationships and how to practice volunteering work.


English Cafe

FUTFS provides informative English education classes every week to help Koreans living in Canada do volunteer work in Canadian society. English Café focuses on improving participants' English skills through continuous English lessons and conversations. All participants interested in these classes and activities are welcome. It will be held every Tuesday from 10:30am to 12pm.


Emotion Regulation

We live in an era where the importance of mental health is emphasized more than ever, because we are living in an environment with a lot of stress and conditions that make us psychologically vulnerable. Sometimes we can reduce stress by changing our physical living environment, but there are many cases where it is hard to solve the difficulties we face in relationships with others. Not only we cannot control the other person, but it is also difficult to control the emotions that we experience. Emotions are (un)conscious experiences that accompany bodily sensations and, for ease of understanding, are usually divided into negative and positive emotions. These emotions should not be judged as being either good or bad because they are signals of threats or rewards and can be said to be a compass that guides us to an appropriate response in the situation. On the other hand, we consider the emotions we experience to be fact-based, but we are more influenced by our thoughts and interpretations of events or situations. In other words, depending on how we think about an event or situation, each person can experience completely different emotions, and when excessive negative emotions are triggered, our thoughts are prone to distortion.

Emotion regulation has been actively studied in various academic fields, especially in the field of neuroscience, which, from that perspective, the expression “the lid was opened” is an appropriate expression for a situation in which emotion regulation has failed. The outer surface of the brain is covered with a grayish-white cortex (cerebral cortex), and this area of the brain is known to control thinking functions. The lower limbic system is the area that controls emotions and is called the old mammalian brain. The brainstem, which is located at the innermost part of the brain, is the area of the brain that is responsible for basic life support functions (respiration, heart rate, temperature control, etc.). When these three areas of the brain develop in a balanced way and work organically with each other,

Mi-ae Jeon  (Psychotherapist)

Welcome to FUTFS, a Toronto Korean Community. FUTFS is a Korean-Canadian community that has been operating in Toronto for over 20 years, providing counseling and outreach services, and providing various educational programs and services for seniors, adults, and youth. In addition to free training, there are also many events. We appreciate your participation.

Please check our free programs and services at
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