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SEY Project: Memoir Writing, Expressive Art, Dance, Singalong (Sep 15 - Nov 3, 2020)

2020-11-23 18:48

This fall, three workshops have held for seniors in the Korean Canadian community. These workshops are: memoir writing, creative & expressive arts, and dancing and singing. The purpose of this program is to allow seniors to come together, and commemorate old memories while forming new bonds. These workshops will take place over eight weeks and seniors can sign up by emailing the FUTFS or, for convenience, they can call our office. For those who cannot participate because the number of participants is limited to 10 due to COVID-19 due to government guidelines, we are going to film this series, take video, and upload it to YouTube so that many other people and seniors can watch, learn, and share with each other. We look forward to seeing more positive active mental health in seniors after their time spent with SEY project.

The Speak and Express Yourselves (SEY) project is for seniors which provides the opportunity for them to express their thoughts and emotions through a writing autobiography workshop, expressive art workshops and musical workshop. Anyone is welcome to join! The program started September 15th and runs until November 5th. Our goal is to develop seniors’ self-expressiveness through creating art for Community Day. Every day, we organize and prioritize our tasks and work with others. In the youth volunteer project, that is precisely what is done. Youth find an organization they want to work with, do research on that organization, and plan out the best way to help this organization and the targeted demographic. The skills youth learn from this project can be carried on throughout their lives. If you would like to participate, please contact FUTFS at 416-447-3535 or email [email protected] or [email protected].

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