
FUTFS Newsletter 6

2021-08-24 11:42

Programs & Services

Toronto Korean Community, For You Telecare Family Service (FUTFS) assists individuals and families from all walks of life to overcome cultural,
emotional, and psychological barriers through a wide range of counselling and educational services and programs.
In collaboration with other social service organizations, FUTFS raises awareness of social issues and supports clients
in the community through the progression of a healthy lifestyle and gradual integration into Canadian society.

Mind & Motion

Mind and Motion is a two-week youth summer volunteer program. This will be held from 10 am to 4 pm. This is an opportunity for youth to gain social and leadership skills and discover what careers to choose in the future. Because of COVID-19, we cannot do volunteer work in the community and society or go to a one-day retreat. FUT FS provides opportunities for youth to learn and experience through various online workshops and virtual activities. Youth participants will get to know each other through emotional expression, empathy, and by understanding of the feelings of others. Upon completion, participants will receive up to 50 hours of volunteer time and references!

English Cafe

Toronto Korean Community, FUTFS provides informative English education classes every week to help Koreans living in Canada do volunteer work in Canadian society. English Café focuses on improving participants' English skills through continuous English lessons and conversations. All participants interested in these classes and activities are welcome. It will be held every Tuesday from 10:30am to 12pm.

Family Fun Day Event

The Family Fun day is a fundraising event hosted by Tufts every year. It is a community event where several families gather together to participate in recreational activities and projects, and celebrate and promote the value of family interrelationships. This event will be targeted for individuals in the KoreanCanadian community, but more importantly, the Canadian society at large. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been present since March 2020, this event was not held last year as well as this year, in 2021. This Family Funday will be a time for all individuals in families, from children to the elderly, to gather together, forget about the hardships and difficulties caused by COVID-19, and act unitedly to promote mental and physical well-being, and create brand-new experiences filled with joy.

The Gratitude Diaries, Janice Kaplan, 2015

Toronto Korean Community FUTFS Board member, Gabrielle Hong

The beginning of 2021 was very gloomy. The New Year's celebrations worldwide were muted or cancelled altogether as governments tried to stop crowds from gathe ring to limit the spread of the virus. There were no crowds in New York's Times Squ are and city hall in Toronto. In South Korea, the beaches in Gangueng, where people e traditionally go to watch the first sunrise of the New Year, were closed down. We are exhausted by pandemic restrictions such as social distancing and economic shu t-down. Half of the year has already passed, and life seems to become more and mo re hopeless. Janice Kaplan, a journalist in New York, can help us to discover a path for experiencing life transformation during this deadly pandemic. In 2015, she bega n her new year with the Gratitude Project supported by the John Temple ton Found at ion. The project included nationwide research about gratitude and gratitude diaries. Janice applied the gratitude effect to her personal life by writing gratitude diaries wit h 12 different topics over 12 months. In her book, Gratitude Diaries, readers can lea rn how gratitude transformed the writer's life in many areas. In addition to Janice K aplan, many other scholars have also demonstrated that gratitude is the master key to leading a person to a successful and victorious life. In the Bible, leaders in warfar e or prison experienced supernatural victory and freedom when they revealed their grateful hearts to others (2 Chronicles 20; Acts 16). How about us? I would like to su guest that we all begin our one year project on gratitude and discover how much it will transform our lives. It will give us an opportunity to write our own books of Grat etude Diaries.
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