Window of Conversation (Senior Counselling Services)

Window of Conversation (Senior Counselling Services)

We provide counselling services for seniors as all possible ways as possible such as Zoom, email, phone, etc for any regions in Canada, and additionally provide in-person counselling for Toronto only. Our counselling services for seniors are free.

For You Telecare Family Service provides professional services to support the healthy and happy old age of the elderly.

We help seniors to deal with various situations and difficulties, such as physical, psychological, economic, family and social relationships, that are difficult to solve alone while having a conversation with a professional counselor.

Through the window of dialogue, you can escape alienation and isolation and connect with the local Korean community, and you can obtain various information and emotional stability necessary for old age in individuals and groups.

Our organization provides education, counseling, and outreach for seniors who have emotional difficulties such as depression and anxiety, or who want to find solutions to various worries and difficulties such as overcoming past wounds.

We would be grateful if many seniors participate in counseling to improve their quality of life and provide opportunities for change and growth for a better life in old age.

We’d love to hear from you!

Register in FUTFS' Programs by filling a form below.
We will contact you in 1-7 days before the starting date of each programs/services via email.

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