
FUTFS Newsletter 7

2021-09-02 14:11

For You Telecare Family Service (FUTFS) assists individuals and families from all walks of life to overcome cultural, emotional, and psychological barriers through a wide range of counselling and educational services and programs. In collaboration with other social service organizations, FUTFS raises awareness of social issues and supports clients in the community through the progression of a healthy lifestyle and gradual integration into Canadian society.

Annual General Meeting

The For You Telecare Family Service will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, September 18th from 11 am to 2 pm. Our organization's mission and goals will be presented as well as the programs previously done in the past and upcoming projects will also be introduced. In particular, presentations by the participants, who attended the previous Advanced Volunteer Training Program, will be taking place. We encourage your active participation to continuously support our organization that helps Korean immigrants to settle down and to overcome difficulties.

Family Fun Day Event

The Family Fun day is a fundraising event hosted by FUFTS every year. It is a community event where several families gather together to participate in recreational activities and projects, and celebrate and promote the value of family interrelationships. This event will be targeted for individuals in the Korean-Canadian community, but more importantly, the Canadian society at large. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been present since March 2020, this event was not held last year as well as this year, in 2021. This Family Funday will be a time for all individuals in families, from children to the elderly, to gather together, forget about the hardships and difficulties caused by COVID-19, and act unitedly to promote mental and physical well being, and create brand new experiences filled with joy.

Counselling Education & Volunteering Training Program

The For You Telecare Family Service will be holding it’s the 37th Counselling Education Volunteer Training Program From
October 7th for 8 weeks. We acquire the appropriate counseling concept and the ideas of volunteerism as being aware in
our daily life through various lecturers and topics, discussing and sharing with small groups, and applying our knowledge not only to FUTFS, but also to the practices of daily life, to Canadian society, and to those who really need help. This provides opportunities to gain skills and experiences on how to communicate well, have good relationships and how to practice volunteering work.


I hope that everyone has been enjoying the summer weather so far!
We hope that this event will be a fun and meaningful day for everyone and that you will be able to join us for this annual event. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our fundraising event, Healthy Walkathon, which has always been hel d in conjunction with Family Fun Day, was held earlier this year, on June 5.During this stressful time of COVID, fami lies have had to spend a lot of time together. Unfortunately, some families don’t know how to spend time with ea ch other in a healthy way or when is a good time to do so. FUTFS has been providing counselling, education, and o utreach services to promote healthy and happy families. In2021, various educational services were successfully co mpleted, such as Parent Workshop with Children (May 22), Children’s Summer English Camp (July 5 to 27), Facilita tor Training Program(July 24), and Mind and Motion for Youth Program(August 3 to 13). The Parent Workshop wit h. Although it was online, using Zoom, the children’s activeChildren and the Children’s Summer English Camp prov ided children and their parents with an opportunity to spend time together and understand each other participati on, their parents’ support, and all the volunteer teachers enjoyed these programs. Through Mind and Motion, the youth volunteer training program, youth learned about leadership and volunteering. All of the participants influen ced each other in beneficial ways, and had a meaningful time. All of the participants who attended the Facilitator T raining Program learned about coping skills, health issues, control and release skills, and their emotions. Participan ts challenged themselves a lot and had a good time doing various games and activities. FUTFS will continue workin g to build a healthy Korean society and families. We sincerely hope you will be able to participate in this special ev ent and enjoy the activities we have planned.

Suyeon Jin, FUTFS Executive Director
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