Counseling Education For Youth Mental Health

Counseling Education For Youth Mental Health



200 Finch Ave West, Unit #221 (Yonge Centre Plus)


This workshop is offered in Korean language mainly.

Suicide must be properly understood.

Suicide cannot have a specific cause, and the causes are all intricately connected. People who are suicidal are usually in great psychological pain. Typical emotions they feel include hopelessness and helplessness. Because of the unmanageable amount of negative emotions, they are afraid to live. Attempting suicide is neither immoral nor reprehensible. Some people think suicide is due to some character flaw, but neither is this. People who think of suicide choose death because they think it is the only way to escape the pain because of the endless pain.

So how can suicide be prevented?

In order to prevent suicide, the role of close people around is very important. FUTFS aims to contribute to suicide prevention by providing various education on suicide prevention through suicide prevention campaigns, education, and practice. Many people and circumstances can lead a person to suicide, but they can also pull him out of a difficult situation. In our training, participants will learn how to recognize warning signs and skills to talk about and prevent suicide.

Participate in suicide prevention training

The feelings of a suicidal person change greatly before, during, and after the suicide attempt. That is why when we think about suicide, we must pay attention to these three steps and provide other help. Just as there are different ways to cope at each stage, the roles each of us can play are different. Even if we aren’t experts, we can lend a helping hand to those around us who are going through a rough time. Of course, taking care of yourself is also very important. Take care of yourself and, if necessary, help others live safe and healthy lives. Take an interest in the people around you, receive education, pay attention to suicide prevention, and participate in training.

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