EAHA Project: Nursing Home Visit

EAHA Project: Nursing Home Visit



Carefree Lodge (306 Finch Ave E, M2N 4S5)


There will be a sponsored performance (Smile Singalong Group)

EAHA is a project that allows seniors to look back on their lives where they could not participate in activities because of the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic. This project allows for seniors to partcipate in balanced education, training and activities. We aim to create a healthy community that alleviates difficulties seniors face.

The EAHA Project recruits senior volunteer leaders to engage in 1) first looking at the need for services that seniors want to participate in and then help them achieve the goals they want to pursue on their own. 2) Emphasis is placed on improving the quality of leaders through intellectual, emotional, and practical education and training for recruitment of senior volunteer leaders. 3) Trained senior volunteer leaders contribute to society through opportunities to develop their initiative, autonomy, self-realization, and vision by producing various creative and expressive works with a sense of ownership.

Senior volunteer leaders help:

  • Helping with workshops for intellectual ability development and emotional ability targeting seniors
  • Seniors gather together to create handmade crafts as a group to strengthen life and motor skills and adaptability
  • Tour, visit and campaign to strengthen relationships with other seniors with works created by seniors

To welcome the Christmas season, let’s make good memories together by visiting a nursing home where we can have fun listening to carols. We hope that this will be a time where we can share joy and happiness through opportunities for meetings, performances, and conversations amidst our alienated and lonely lives.

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