ECAV Project: Art Campaign for Violence Against Women

ECAV Project: Art Campaign for Violence Against Women



ECAV  Project (ECAV Project: Art Campaign for Violence Against Women)

ECAV Project (Essential Art Campaign for Violence Against Women) goes further deep into the previous educational workshops and presentations for the Prevention of Domestic Violence by FUTFS in cooperation with COSTI and OCASI. It deals with women’s problems that have become prevalent in our society and seek solutions together through interesting ways of art as well as an educational approach. In particular, it is noteworthy that it is designed for all age groups to participate in this event through the website of FUTFS. During the event, participants will wear T-shirts, ribbons, bracelets, etc. which they designed with an artist, and distribute posters designed by the participants to spread social interest and consensus. 

In particular, as young women and adult women’s groups will paint murals in public place, that symbolize violence against women. The act of painting together symbolically shows the unity of women across generations. One of the most interesting things about this campaign is the creation and performance of songs against violence against women. Anyone can apply for song creation, and the selected song will receive a small prize. Based on the song produced various performances will be held in the future, on the theme of anti-violence against women.

Along with these art campaigns, educational seminars will be held to accuse and prevent domestic and gender-based violence. and how to develop their resilient skills. One young adult group will take part in video-creating workshops where they were taught how to create educational and campaign videos on how to prevent domestic abuse and gender-based violence.

Event 1. During this event, participants will have the opportunity to experience a lot of fun activities by wearing T-shirts, Ribbons and Bracelets designed by local artists, to spread awareness and consensus.

Event 2. Wear a T-shirt to prevent violence against women and conduct a street parade.

Event 3. Painting a mural outdoors with a professional artist about gender-based violence.

Event 4. Lectures on the topic of domestic and gender-based violence.

Event 5. Singing performances on the theme of anti-violence against women.

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