BASE Project: Outreach Service for Leadership Improvement in Korean-Canadian Community

BASE Project: Outreach for Leadership Improvement in Korean-Canadian Community


The Base Project is a project for community leaders active in the Korean-Canadian community. The project explores how participants can recover from the difficulties and hardships experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic through a psychological perspective and how to approach potentially culturally sensitive parts. It aims to share what is there and help them rebuild and educate their lives. The Base Project aims to inform the importance of leaders in Korean-Canadian society by feeling a sense of belonging, accepting each other, sharing stories, and helping each other. While meeting leaders one-on-one and sharing their lives and visions, we are conducting workshops that help develop leadership for positive change and growth of organizations to which they belong. This allows the group to grow as well as the individual leader. Personal coaching is provided according to the request or need of community leaders, and time is spent gathering together to discuss and share opinions with common themes and visions for the development of the Korean-Canadian community.

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