Youth Mentoring Program 2024

Youth Mentoring Program 2024



Zoom Meetings (Camera on)

Who Can Participate

Grade 9-12


10 Volunteer hours when you attend all sessions

The purpose is to help youth share their volunteer experiences with university placement students in FUTFS and make plans, such as finding a field or school of their choice and searching a career path. You can also gain practical help, such as learning how to apply for OSAP, from the experiences of current college students. If needed, we can also provide assistance with school projects, assignments, and resume editing. We will cover various topics such as school life, communication, and relationships. We hope to develop a strong relationship between mentors and mentees by having fun together, sharing useful information, and forming valuable connections. This program will be a special opportunity for each participant’s growth and development. We appreciate your interest and registration!

We’d love to hear from you!

Register in FUTFS' Programs by filling a form below.
We will contact you in 1-7 days before the starting date of each programs/services via email.

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